Miracle in the Rain
23 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The "miracle" in Miracle in the Rain was related to a Roman coin which Wyman purchased and gave to Johnson before he was deployed to Europe (WWII.) She was told by the vendor it was a lucky coin. She gives it to Johnson, whom she loves, as a lucky charm to keep him safe while he is engaged in combat. Presumedly, the coin was with Johnson when he was killed in action. Read on for the "miracle."

Wyman was a lonely girl with a controlling mother. She has a job and the people at her job like her but she is not popular in the normal sense of the word. When she meets Johnson, her disposition changes. It is obvious she is in love.

There is a scene in which her father explains why he left her mother. Her father is not a part of the "miracle."

Wyman, who was affianced to Johnson, receives word from the State Department that Johnson was killed in action. She is so distraught, she wanders into St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC and discovers a statue of St. Andrew (brother of St. Peter) whose altar has no candles in front of it. Wyman asks the priest why and says that she doesn't like him (St. Andrew)being in the darkness. She asks the priest's permission to light candles - even though she is not Catholic. She continues visiting the church and the statue of St. Andrew every day.

One cold and rainy night, she runs out to the church; she was under the weather already and she becomes soaked by the pouring rain. She collapses on the front steps. When she is found, dead, she is holding the Roman coin which had been in Johnson's possession from the time she presented it to him! Thus, the miracle.
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