Kick-Butt Action meets Mystic Mumbo Jumbo
20 February 2006
I'm sure everyone has seen the Matrix. Now, imagine a movie like that, complete with all the action and fighting, but without the philosophical stuff that'll make your head hurt. You've got Bulletproof Monk.

Sean Willian Scott plays his traditional role of a street-wise punk, who gets the perfect put-down from the Monk (For someone who says he's going to kick my "freaky-ass"...you do a lot of talking). But hey, lots of talking. Isn't that most of Scott's roles? Kar actually ends up being the hero, as opposed to some self-centered brat like Steve Stifler, which many may know Scott from best.

Nazis as the enemy...well, okay. Not the most original idea but hey, take it for what it is. The final battle is pretty cool, with both the Monk and Strucker having super-skills. Although one has to wonder how Strucker gets all his power. Super-strength is one thing, but he stops Kar's dive in mid-air. Well...again, take it for what it is.

Overall, it won't change the way you look at the world, or leave you awestruck. But hey, if you need a good action flick, here it is. Honestly, thinking back, my only problem with this film? We never actually find out the Monk's name. But hey, what can you do?
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