Sylvie, star at last!
14 February 2006
It was to be Sylvie's last part and ,although she made a brilliant career ,it was the only movie where she got the lead.It would be an insult to the users' culture to mention all the great French works she was in.Just check her filmography,they are all in here:Carné,Duvivier,Clouzot,Bresson,Autant-Lara,Grémillon,and even (yuk) Vadim.

"The shameless old lady" was a (very) short story by Bertold Brecht ("Die unwürdige Greisin" ) from a book called "Kalender Gechichten" .The scenarists were faithful to the German writer's spirit and they developed the plot with taste .

A sixty-something woman became a widow .All her life,she had been cooking ,washing and taking care of her family.A woman's work is never done.So she decided she would live for herself: she would go to the pictures ,she would buy a car and that's exactly what she did.

Bertold Brecht told us so:she had two lives:the first one was a long busy one,the second one was very short;but she ate the bread of life till its last crumbs (that's the last line of his story) The first part of her life is summarized during the cast and credits when old black and white photographs appear on the screen while we can hear Jean Ferrat's beautiful song "On ne Voit Pas le Temps Passer" (=time passes you by).The second one is the film itself and it's full of joie de vivre,it's really a film about happiness,as "Babette's feast" would be twenty years later.

A must.
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