Lambs were entertaining, well meaning, frauds
8 February 2006
A book by Julie Huffman-Klinkowitz,"THE ENCHANTED QUEST of DANA and GINGER LAMB" debunked most of the movie, & the book "QUEST FOR THE LOST CITY". One of the major obstacles they over came was a multi day trip thru a cave in the Chiapas-Guatamala area. I used to be a very experienced cave explorer. What they did simply can't be done. Furthur, this supposed cave was in area of Central America famous for caves. A cave such as they claim to have been through in the 1940s would be known to present day cavers. It isn't. They use the same device, lost in a cave, in a previous book "ENCHANTED VAGABONDS" but what they claim in there is much more unlikely. In this book they're lost in a cave with no lights. They find their way out after wandering around for several hours. Talk to any experienced caver in the National Speleological Society and they confirm the extreme unlikelihood of being able to do this.
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