Lifeforce (1985)
Finally got around to seeing Lifeforce, kinda wish I hadn't bothered.
4 February 2006
Lifeforce is a late eighties sci-fi horror flick wherein a joint space mission between the U.S. and Great Britain fly out to study Haley's Comic and find a giant spaceship full of dead vampires, one sexy naked chick and two Patrick Swayze clones. Of course they bring them back to Earth, and then the naked chick runs amok, turns half of London into crazed ravenous zombies, and it's up to our heroes, an S.A.S. man and the lone surviving astronaut to defeat her in a Gothic cathedral before the vampire mothership gets to Earth and rains holy hell down upon us.

Now, most people upon hearing that synopsis might be like..."Hell's bells, I wanta see me somea that movie!" Well friends...that couldn't be farther from the truth. At two hours, Lifeforce is a chore to sit through. While all the key plot points delivered above do happen, some of them happen off screen and they're reported to us by some bored British character actors. There's a lot of drab office settings where haggard looking Brits and Steve Railsback sweat a lot and yell. The beginning is mildly engrossing with the spacemen checking out the giant vampire ship, and the end where apparently a sound stage fills in for London besieged by crazy zombies picks up a little...otherwise there's a whole lot of nothing in this movie. I'd check the credits to see who edited it, but that would mean fast forwarding the tape for half an hour to get to them.

A LOT of time is spent on scholarly types going essentially "Maybe THESE aliens are the source of the vampire myths!" Yeah, great, can we see some vampires maybe please? Once the splendidly nude bloodsucker lady escapes the lab they bring her to, she pretty much disappears from the picture. We're told she "possesses" people, which probably saves a lot of money on special effects and pays for more film stock to draaaaagggggggggg the running time even longer. The acting and plot simply aren't engrossing enough to make you not mind the length and boredom of this picture. Maybe they shoulda called it LifeFORCED.

Someone could definitely remake this one. Peace.
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