Medal of Honor: Frontline (2002 Video Game)
True cinematic experience... One you don't come across everday.
4 February 2006
You climb a flight of stairs, sniper rifle in hand. Half the building is blown away, but you continue looking for the perfect perch. Coming up behind an enemy Nazi, he turns around just to see you clobber him squarely in the face, and as he tries to rise, you finish him off with another blow. You step over the body, and set your sights. Down below, a score of Germans are battling with Allied forces. You mark your target, and squeeze the trigger. An officer takes the bullet, and his cap flies off. Directly across the alleyway, a Nazi sniper turns and raises his rifle. Another quick round silences him. Below, a German soldier turns to make a break for the machine gun a few metres away. Your rifle barks again, and the targets flips forward. He gets up painstakingly, and finally, you pull the trigger. His falls back, muttering his last words. You load a new magazine, and gaze into the rubble-filled streets of Arnhem.

Medal of Honor Frontline is a game that takes you beyond D-Day, and as it states, right into the Frontlines. Each level is beautifully done. This game proves that you don't need special effects and all that for it to be a great game.

A complete recommendation to all shooter fans.
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