Great Short!!
24 January 2006
I picked this up at a ComicCon in Dallas. I've never before paid for a fanfilm and until Corey does another I probably won't again.

I must admit, I initially picked this up for the screen shots of Wolverine (Eric von Sydow) I had seen. He is the epitome of the comic Logan that I've grown up wanting to see in real-life. As I watched the movie for my fourth or fith time, it hit me that Sosner IS Frank Castle. Cold, brooding, and just plain bad-ass!

Overall, this film fulfilled my comic-geekiness I get from reading comics as well as the hard-nose in-your-face action of my favorite movies. I think with a bigger budget Corey could definitely be on par if not surpass Bryan Singer in the comic-genre. Superman who?? So until Kingpin gets gastric-bypass make mine Punisher: First Round!
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