Classic 1960s French romance. Get the non-dubbed version
30 January 2006
This classic French '60s film directed by Claude Lelouche and starring Anouk Aimée and Jean-Louis Trintignant is a triumph. The '60s feel of the film is the most striking aspect. The dialogue and plot are deceptively simple while Francis Lai's (Love Story Theme) soundtrack rises to the atmosphere setting occasion.

It's understandable why some may find this slow moving, schmaltzy, Eurotrashy, etc., but one has to look behind what's apparent to glimpse some magic cinematic moments. Of course the other negative is the dubbed English. Someday I'll see the original version. On one level the film explores the synchronicity between Anne and Jean-Louis from their backstories to the on screen juxtaposing. Needless to say this towers over junk like "Serendipity". But it's the theme music that really brings it all together, especially with the great final scene at the train station. There's a feel of spontaneity to the film; it really captures 1966 France.

Jean-Louis first starred with Brigitte Bardot in 1956's "And God Created Woman".
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