The Detective (1954)
kind of like a longer episode of MURDER SHE WROTE
29 January 2006
This was a completely mediocre film--and that's a real shame, as I usually LOVE Alec Guinness movies. This movie lacks so much of the imagination and energy of his other movies from this same era (such as THE LADY KILLERS or THE MAN IN THE WHITE SUIT) and overall is just a standard amateur detective flick in the guise of a rather unbelievable priest. Guinness plays Father Brown--a very idealistic, and at times bumbling, clergy man. Peter Finch plays an international thief who loves to steal one-of-a-kind relics--the type that really can't be re-sold--so he's obviously some kind of nutter (that's British for "loony"). Despite ample opportunities to turn in Finch to the coppers, Guinness actually hinders the police and lies repeatedly (oh well, since he's a priest I guess he can always give himself absolution for these sins). Why? Well, because Guinness knows that it's more important to save the man's soul than find the booty. While this is true in a spiritual sense, it was awfully idealistic (not to mention stupid), but since this is a rather predictable film, in the end Finch somehow sees the light (though I really wasn't sure why). The film earns a 5 simply because I like watching Alec Guinness and Finch does a pretty good job, though the material is awfully lame.
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