Review of The Island

The Island (2005)
Logan's Run meets the Matrix
23 January 2006
This much-maligned movie by often-criticized (for the most part deservedly so) filmmaker Michael Bay is not as bad as many would have you believe. I would say that what you have here is a movie that is for the first 2/3 a very good movie, and for the final 1/3 or so, just a good movie. This is not a movie that 20 years from now will be remembered as one of the great films of out time, however I still think that it is worth a look at the video store. Go out, rent it, pop it in and for 2'hours and 16 minutes you should be entertained.

Scarlett Johansson is charming and sexy, and holds her own as an action star, Ewan McGregor shows that he is more than Obi-Wan Kenobi and Renton. Sean Bean is very good, as is Djimon Hounsou, whose work I enjoy more in everything I see him in. Some of my favorite characters in this film are the supporting cast, such as Ethan Phillps who is probably best known for his role as Nelix on Star Trek voyager.

Don't be fooled by those who might tell you to avoid this film, just do not go into it expecting to see the next great Sc-fi movie. Watch this movie for its interesting if not totally original story, and for some exciting action sequences, the one thing that Bay is good for. The performances, while not Oscar worthy are more than adequate.
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