"Yes, you're hot. Now shut up!"
16 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because a friend was getting really into these Japanese horror films that have become the rage of a foreign film industry since the ring. Gross scenes of weirdness have graced all types of households over in America since, and this film tries a new approach to grossing out an audience but with a message attached to it.

Basically, the film is about a plastic surgeon in Japan who receives many clients. One client comes in who has acute deformorphophobia (a real fear?) and insists that this plastic surgeon take care of everything that's wrong with her for 8 million yen. When all that the surgeon did is not seen as enough to this client, she becomes enraged and starts getting revenge for not meeting her expectations. She even steals the surgeon's boyfriend, has sex with him, and kills him after claiming that "that was her first time she'd ever been touched like that," referring to her having sex because she now thinks she's beautiful. Like most of these horror films, there's always a never-ending quality that the evils of beauty and the search for eternal, perfect beauty will haunt someone from every generation until you make the conscious decision to stop.

The movie was OK, at best. It had a message to the horrors of self-beautification (something here in the States is also a perfection in Japan, I guess) in society, and it made for an interesting premise in a film. It really feels like a nightmarish setting for a surgeon's life to go through, as well.

But the writing, at times, was way too over-dramatic for my taste, with no music to heighten any given moment. The horror in this horror film was the lack of shock or interest in such a monster that this client was. There was really nothing wrong with her until she started getting surgery, which might've been the true message.

All in all, I didn't really like it. I gave it a 5/10 stars because it was average, at best, film-making. There were no special quirks that make it stand out except for the story, which gets tiresome because its the only story going on in this movie. Go check it out if one of your friends has it, but I wouldn't waste your time on seeing it.
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