Odiferous for sure.....
19 January 2006
It's ironic that this film is about a man who is able to manipulate his flatulence. Because when it comes to farts and this film, despite the talent and effort involved, the end result is still a bunch of crap.

The other reviewers are either high, paid shills, friends and family of the filmmaker, or quite possibly all of the above.

It's clear that a considerable amount of creative effort and professional craft went into the production value of this film as the lighting, cinematography, costume design, etc are very impressive for such a small film. But that is where its value comes to a screeching halt. The story itself is neither funny nor compelling. The character of Le Petomane is worthy of perhaps a footnote or a minor story point in other films about the glory days of the Moulin Rouge but nothing more. He's just not that interesting or at least not in this film. The characters are caricatures, the dialogue is forced and the acting is amateurish; although the blame doesn't fall on the actors as much as it does the poor writing. The story about a man who farts on command and is able to make various animal noises and do tricks with his ass is really just a sophomoric joke that goes on for 29 minutes too long.
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