and the Double Standard is strong
17 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you enjoy watching The Hero force himself on The Heroine who's said NO repeatedly (well, everyone knows that "no" DOESN'T mean "no", right?) - this is the movie for you!

If you can sympathize with The Hero's self-righteous anger at The Heroine who DARES to consider moving on to another man who offers her security, after The Hero dumped her ass - after sleeping with her and promising to marry her and planning to struggle through poverty together - in order to get engaged to another woman who offered HIM security (well, after all, he needed the money to square away his father's gambling debts, so that makes it okay, right?) - this is the movie for you!

If you're amused at the thought of The Heroine chasing after The Hero at the end, so that he can condescend to forgive her... HE forgive HER! - and if you find all of the above to be the perfect ingredients for a romantic comedy... then, this is the movie for you. And I pity you.

Now get away from me, ya creep!
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