Review of Hacked Off

Hacked Off (2005 Video)
Not bad low budget horror slasher..!
7 January 2006
OK! For any of you who hasn't seen this movie.. Check out the website. I've just bought this on DVD last year.. That was via the website.. I must admit, I've seen a lot of teen slasher movies.. But this one.. well? It wasn't too bad really.. A good effort.

The idea of this serial killer called Jacques Sykes.. The name is not really too French. In fact, why don't the filmmakers call him Jacques Costeau or Jacques Duboir..? But this serial killer unlike Jason Vorhees.. Goes around in some guy's clothes and then begins stalking a bunch of teens who have rented a house in a French village.

The performances in this movie was OK. Layla Ann Lee being in the lead role looked pretty cool. Ben Tyreman who plays the serial killer Sykes was awesome. In fact, he could've wore a mask. Or even so, have scars or deformities around his face.. just to make him look really scary as well as being just so menacing.

Director Andrew Wield did a good job by putting this low budget production into great use. The pace of the film is just like all the other horror films I've seen.. Where you have all the suspense going on as somewhere in the movie, something bad is going to happen. But he did well to get it all going. He could've made an effort to putting some commentaries or featurettes on this DVD. But then again, not all filmmakers want to give away everything.

All-in-all, it's great film. I've must've seen about six times.. As I stated earlier, I own a copy of the film on DVD. Some really good performances from Layla Ann Lee, Ross Maxwell and Sarah Pavey.. Ben Tyreman totally rocks. He was really the bad-ass serial killer since Jason X that makes people think when you look at him. 'This guy means business! Don't mess with him! Start running!'

My verdict? 7 out of 10! Not bad.. Hopefully, a bit better next time.
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