Haunts of the Very Rich (1972 TV Movie)
Another Creep-Filled "Royale With Cheese"
13 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Ahh, yes! Another fabulous slice of Aaron Spelling-produced fromage, wrapped in the best smoked hams of the day! Spelling ruled the roost in prime time back in the mid-to-late Sixties, and all through the Seventies and beyond; cranking these puppies out with loving care and unearthing budding talent, as he provided work to some of the most revered (if not creakiest) vets of stage and screen. (His other classics, like CROWHAVEN FARM, THE HOUSE THAT WOULD NOT DIE, LOVE HATE LOVE, THE OLD MAN WHO CRIED "WOLF!" and THE LOVE WAR are all absolute must-sees for lovers of Sixties/Seventies TV kitsch.)

This particular outing looks like an early dress rehearsal for FANTASY ISLAND, as a bunch of rich swells gathers at a beautiful and secluded resort, (and is there any other kind?). As they explore their surroundings, discovering more and more about each other and their mysterious hosts, it all leads to the now-inescapable "shattering" conclusion.

If you've already seen THE SIXTH SENSE or THE VILLAGE, the 'secret' won't surprise you one little bit. Even when HAUNTS was first aired, it wasn't THAT much of a shocker (Hello? Had anybody NOT heard of Rod Serling back then???)

But it's not about how good or bad the movie is, (and it ain't great.) It just about kicking back and letting all the nostalgic, Velveeta goodness wash over you...and not telling your friends you did afterward!
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