12 January 2006
It would be impossible to film the whole of the book in one movie. It would end up being a trilogy, however people have still been moaning that there was heaps missed out. All I can say is thank goodness the Quidditch world cup was glossed over. There is only so much Quidditch one can take. I actually found the last movie left more important stuff out. I had to explain to my husband a few details last time but this time he said he got the gist of it but found that not a lot happened (Which is true I suppose).

The CGI was great, there we lots of laughs and some scary moments (mainly I felt scared when Harry was up on the roof, damn I hate heights). It was also sad and for little kids it would be pretty terrifying. Voldemort looked pretty much how I had imagined him which was cool. All round well worth the watch. :)
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