Now You See Them ....
11 January 2006
You can get a great Trivia question out of this movie: In which film did Charles Aznavour and Serge Reggiani have uncredited roles and Jacques Prevert supply uncredited dialogue. Dix sur dix. You got it in one. This would probably be a great film even without Prevert's linguistic touches because all the elements are in place; a cloistered setting which serves as a microcosm for the world outside, a story that holds the attention with just the right amount of suspense/mystery and an exceptional and, dare I say it, SYMPATHETIC performance from that man you love to hate Eric Von Stroheim who goes toe-to-toe with Michel Simon and is still standing at the end of fifteen rounds. Stroheim - with hair yet - is a member of the faculty at a boarding school for boys or, to put it another way, a German actor is playing an English teacher (teacher OF English)in a French school, quite a trick which he pulls off despite his French being about three times as slow as that of the natives. The film reeks of atmosphere and has perhaps been unfairly overshadowed because it was produced at a time - 1938 - when France was turning out really classic drama such as Hotel du Nord, Quai des brumes, Le Jour se leve, Carnet du bal etc. The good news is that there's an excellent print now available on DVD so what are you waiting for.
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