Wal-mart is a profitable company... duh
7 January 2006
This poorly made documentary spends a lot of time telling us they are successful. Who cares? Profitabilty at all costs is unacceptable. They're a company that once sold America on 'Made in the U.S.A.'. Now that most of their goods are made in foreign countries, by humans under horrible conditions, I guess 'Made in America' isn't so important.

But issues like 'Slave Labour' or the closing of manufacturing plants in North America, go pretty much ignored in this film. As do most of the serious allegations against Wal-mart.

I found it funny that considering how much America hates Communism, this company, that wraps itself in the American flag, eagerly accepts a large Communist country as its main source of goods. As long as its profitable - screw moral integrity!

Its a silly little film made by people who must not think much beyond themselves, which is why Wal-mart succeeds in the end.
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