Open Range (2003)
worst-film-of-all-time candidate
2 January 2006
Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-Boring!!!! All the way through. Don't get me wrong, I love Westerns, and Rob Duvall is incredible as an actor, but there is no way that this over-long garbagio deserves to be classified anywhere near to good. Whoever created the film score has succeeded in pioneering a new method of aurally torturing my inner conscience. Whenever I hear this music, I want to kill myself...not out of depression, but solely for the reason that I need to end the intense agony that this miminalist b.s. puts me through. You wanna hear good Western-movie music? I've got a whole of letters for you...E.N.N.I.O. M.O.R.R.I.C.O.N.E. Try those out for a change, you Hollywood-douche-bags, or at least try something similar. Not to say that that all Western stuff needs to sound like Morricone, but if I hear these dead sounding nothing-strings again in the theater, my body will lose control of its natural functions and I'll urinate myself. Please...for the love of God! But then, there's the rest of the movie. Total Crapola. Bad dialogue, horrifically bad plot, bad structure, bad movie poster, bad promotional campaign, bad acting all packaged for the adult American audience to deem as high art. Just because a movie is long and dramatic and because it references other movies, does not in any way make it good. Dances with Wolves was alright, I don't enjoy seeing Kevin Costner's buttcheeks, but I guess girls need to get some sometimes too. I got my copy at McDonald's 15 some odd years ago, and have enjoyed it. I've never wanted the main characters in a film to get axed more than I did watching this. The only way to make this one better is if you reduced the whole thing to 30 seconds, you could easily summarize the plot in that time, but then it would be overpriced. I don't want to go on about this anymore, but I'm glad you read this review. Don't see this movie. Go rent something good, like the Magnificent Seven or something.
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