OK movie
5 January 2006
Danny Ocean and his crew need to get back in action: the big boss of the casino they robbed in the previous movie, Terry Benedict, finds out who made him 160 million dollars poorer three years ago. Even though he has recovered his money by insurance, Benedict demands his money back, with interest, within two weeks. Ocean's crew also get caught up in a little contest with mysterious master thief 'Night Fox': if Ocean manages to steal a Fabergé Egg first, Night Fox will pay the 190 million dollars they owe to Benedict. What follows is a game of trying to outsmart each other: who will be the greatest thief? But as the story unfolds, the uselessness of the story is also uncovered. Even though the movie is very amusing by moments, with resourceful surprises and some hilarious situations, it's all a bit pointless. Though, don't let this stop you from watching the movie, and enjoy the ride while it lasts. I still can promise you a lot of fun.
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