Carrey & Leoni are funny and this movie's got a message!!!
3 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was great! It was funnier, more entertaining and just better than I thought it would be. Jim Carrey was funny, but it was all in the delivery of some well-scripted scenarios, rather than his "Ace Ventura," talking-ass comedy. It delivers very well. He was funny without being 'too Jim Carrey,' if you know what I mean. Carrey & Leoni work very well together, their timing and delivery just seemed natural together and that heightened the comedic value of the film. Just as Carrey was not 'over-the-top' Jim Carrey, Alec Baldwin was also good in this movie by being himself, but not overly so (if any of that makes sense). This is the story of a guy who works for a big company and then suffers at the hand of the demise of that company - a demise he unwittingly accelerated by a TV appearance the first day of his new assignment. The movie then takes you through what happens when desperate (white) people do anything to keep their home. This movie is simply funny (on different levels), has a great cast and is well worth the price of admission.
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