Arrested Development (2003–2019)
shines like a diamond
31 December 2005
this is one of the most creative shows i've seen on television since Seinfeld. there are so many ironic twists and turns. the music, the cast, the stories, the references and wit, the miscommunication, the absurdities, the documentary film-style, Ron Howard's delightful narration...the show is an absolute delight. so many other sitcoms corner themselves (i.e. "Everybody Loves Raymond"), yet this sitcom breaks boundaries and conventions w/out being pretentious (i.e. "Frasier"). it is fresh and gives you a central character you can actually admire: Michael Bluth. he is funny and warm and genuinely caring and can make mistakes and be a jerk without pushing viewers away (something even the cast of Seinfeld couldn't do).
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