Thank you, Mr. Ang Lee
29 December 2005
I have waited a long time (probably more than 2 years) from the first moment I heard Ang Lee took over the Brokeback Mountain project. I knew Mr. Lee will not disappoint us, yet nobody knows just exactly what the final cut will be like. We waited patiently with some sporadic grapevine news came out from Alberta during the shooting of the film. Then in early September, all of sudden we heard this unbelievable good news from Venice. From that moment on, the anticipation has gone only higher and higher each day. I finally got to see this much waited film a week ago. I was deeply touched (and haunted ever since) by this masterpiece exquisitely crafted by Mr. Lee.

I want to thank Ang Lee, the two leading actors and the rest of the cast for giving us such a deep and heart-felt movie so truthfully capture and present the inner feeling of many gay people out there. Back in 1993, Ang Lee gave us 'The Wedding Banquet' to show us the hope and warmth in a wonderful lighthearted comedy set in a Chinese family with a gay son. Today, Mr. Lee gave us the more powerful Brokeback Mountain. I believe Ang's unequivocal altruism as a film director will be deeply appreciated by many through the whole world. Thank you, Ang Lee. We wish you much success both in the upcoming awards season and the box office sale. We hope to see more great films from you in the coming years.

Brokeback Mountain: 10/10
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