Just Friends (I) (2005)
Some Funny Moments, But Mostly Stupid
19 December 2005
I'm sure I'm not the target demographic for this film, but it was still stupider than most in this genre. Anna Faris has been funny in past films. She is not here. Ryan Reynolds was okay, and the Mary of the film (as in Cameron Diaz' character in There's Something About Mary), worked as the high school hottie who 10 years later is still, improbably, hot and single. But the funny moments were few and far between, the slapstick comedy unbelievable and tired, and the impossible redemption of the central character inevitable. Chris Klein was good, but his small role was not enough to float this tanker. Finally, I'm still scratching my head wondering about the Ryan Reynolds solo that plays alongside the credits. Did someone actually think this bit was funny for more than 5 seconds? I stayed during this assuming there would be some choice outtakes. Nope. After what seemed like an eternity, and while Reynolds was still singing, I couldn't take any more and ran screaming from the theater.
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