King Kong (2005)
King Kong at his best
17 December 2005
I almost had a heart attack when I heard King Kong was going to be remade and that Peter Jackson was going to make the film. I said to myself KING KONG yes I was pumped up. I didn't go to Kong is Kong. net because it would spoil it.

I arrive at the Movie theater with my date and she says to me "this movie better be good this time Kevin" I looked at her and grinned you'll love it. And so we sat and watched, the special effects were Good but they weren't as good as Jurassic Park 3(I wish Stan Winston and his crew did the special effects) The Story line kept to the Key points of the Original but of course they were heavily loaded with more action. You will fall in love with Kong and Cheer Unlikely characters. The natives were very very original. This movie rocked from beginning to end. Things I didn't like.. some scenes were not needed.However this is my opinion, and I think Peter boy got the reaction he wanted from the scenes. Lets just say out of all movies I have seen I have never seen or heard an audience react quite like this. There should have been more gore and some of the scenes should have been slightly extended and reduce some of the action to make the environment feel more real. The ending although powerful could have been ten times more powerful with a bit more cruelty towards Kong. Other then that a 10/10. Both me and my Date cried at the end and you should too!!!!. She loved it.
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