Produced By Sycophants - Not Producers
12 December 2005
As a child in the 1970s I always used to look forward to Christmas television because it was the one time of the year that TV companies were guaranteed to put on decent films . The same is still true today I guess although due to video recorders , DVDs and satellite television when a blockbuster is shown on network for the very first time the potential audience sitting at home pulling Christmas crackers has almost certainly seen the film in question . What this also means is that in the run up to Christmas television companies hold back on showing decent movies , instead they cram the schedules with crap . Crap like THE ONE AND ONLY

I'd be very surprised is anyone was expecting to see a good film if they were looking at the cast list . A British film that has the likes of Patsy Kensit best known for her stint on BO SELECTA and Donna Air better known for her inane ramblings on MTV SELECT should ring a few warning bells and these instinctive feelings of approaching mediocrity are well founded

The story revolves around Stevie falling in love with Neil . No it's not a gay love story - And being a British movie any perceived homophobia will result in the loss of your film career and potential criminal proceedings - and that's part of the running gag of having a couple where the female has an easily mistaken male name . YAWN . It also sums up the whole feeling of the movie of very weak gags that confuse the audience into thinking how the hell did this pass script development . Who are the producers ? Are they actual producers or are they dear friends of the screenwriters who sycophantically agreed that the script was amusing ? I know what one I'm putting my money on and I can just imagine the producers slapping their thighs laughing at the ridiculously unfunny sex scenes that have to be seen to believed

I will say one good thing about THE ONE AND ONLY and that is that you won't have to drink too much Christmas sherry in order to forget about it . By tomorrow morning when I go Christmas shopping I will have no problem in not remembering this waste of celluloid
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