Funny can be done with no budget.
10 December 2005
Irony. Sometimes the funniest things are done with minimal resources as in this short. No great staging or special effects, five people in the whole cast including the Stooges themselves, and yet it's not too bad at all. Seems though like it could have been part of something bigger. The sequencing of the first scene on to the second is perfect and so you wish for more but, "That's all there is, there isn't any more." (Quote from L&H'S Sons of the Desert 1933) And that's a pity. Columbia had literally gold in their hands and just would always let it slip through their money grubbing fingers. Irony again. Big shots like Harry Cohn and Louis B. Mayer had all the great comedy talent at their disposal yet in all truth neither guy reportedly had a decent sense of humor. This short is not just some more pokes and gouges by the boys but an actual satire of politics at the time...or any time really, from ancient Rome to now with Clinton, Gore, and Bush. "Hmm! Three guys. That's a coincidence!" Names like Hammond Egger and Able Lamb Stewer, it's too much. Watch this one by all means and laugh at the body politic.
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