Just Saw It!
30 November 2005
Just saw the film at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences in Los Angeles, very faithful and loving restoration. Still some bits missing. The speaker who was in charge of the restoration said there seemed to be approx four minutes still missing. In attendance were members of Swan's and Valentino's family. They spoke of their gratitude that the film was found and restored. Swanson's granddaughter quoted a passage from her grandmother's autobiography about her thoughts on the picture and that passage finished with a plea that somebody somewhere find a print of the film as she did enjoy it so and was so sad it had been lost. It really did feel in that theatre as if both stars were there watching it again. It's a rather good film, not a "great" film but well worth seeing for any fan of either star or of silent films in general. The DVD release will be "soon" and be on the Milestone label, a company that releases DVDs of a large number of silent films including nearly all of Keaton's.

This was a good day for film to have found this treasure
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