The Protector (2005)
Tony Jaa's second film, on a par with Ong Bak
29 November 2005
At this time of writing, the Taiwanese vcd is the only available version of this movie. It doesn't have English subtitles, though this shouldn't mar your experience of the film, as its pretty easy to follow whats going on. Also some of the film is spoken in English. This is because the film is set in Australia. Though the story isn't the most important thing here, its mostly about the superb muay thai skills of Tony Jaa.

Tony Jaa loves elephants. From when he was young, we see that he loves the creatures. When his pet elephant is kidnapped by this strange gang. I couldn't quite follow this bit, but it seems as if these guys kill elephants and cook them up and take their ivory. Anyway, he is hell bent on getting his elephant back. So, in a way, the thin story is that of revenge.

Pretty soon, Jaa is finding the bad guys and kicking some serious ass! His side kick from Ong Bak is also in this film, this time playing a cop. So, down to what you really want to know! The fights. At times they are even better than those seen in Ong Bak. Their are some excellent scenes such as Jaa taking on a group of guys who have bikes and roller blades. Their is often a lot of impressive aeriel moves and loads more bone breaking in this, than its predecessor.

Tom Yung Goong appears to have a slightly higher budget than Ong Bak. Some of the visuals are quite impressive and some of the choreography is jaw dropping. One example of neat visuals is this fight set in water. Their is a lot of splashing, used to great visual effect.

The films finale is probably the best part of the film. A highly impressive fight with loads of baddies.

To conclude, this film is excellent! Tony Jaa is fully wearing the martial arts crown right now, he seems to get better and better. This is unmissable, don't hesitate to buy it without subtitles, as a US and UK version probably won't be available until late next year. So grab a slice of the action now!
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