Harry comes of age
23 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Like many others who have left their comments here, I feel this is the best Harry Potter treatment to date.

Although fantastic to an HP fan, I suspect that anyone NOT familiar with the HP world may find it confusing. It does jump around quite a bit and (I suspect) we are encouraged to fill in the gaps from our knowledge of the books.

OK. With that (very) small gripe out of the way I can only say what I brilliant job all have done with this movie. The methods used to show the beginning of Ron's feelings for Hermione were great (of course we can thank the source material here, JK wrote it that way). Also Hermione looked pretty fab too - Emma Watson really is starting to grow up all at once.

Special effects? Yep they were there but not once did I feel like saying 'wow, what a great effect'. Basically all the effects were in the right place and only served to enhance the movie proper.

Yes, the film was long (2.5 hours) but then consider that the book was 3/4 the length of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and that it took Peter Jackson 3 movies to cover that ground (leaving out a similar amount to that left out of Goblet of Fire in the bargain) and I think you'll see why I rate this the best HP yet.

If you haven't seen it, then do so.

If you haven't seen the others, then where have you been???? If you haven't read the books then do so (although Order of the Phoenix was very long and dragged a bit in places compared to the rest).

Everyone loves HP (it seems) and the reason is obvious - Everything about HP and the HP universe smacks of magic!
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