New York Doll (2005)
What a Wonderful Life - Almost
23 November 2005
I wasn't sure what to think about this movie from the previews. I think I expected an inspiring story of a rock star-turned-Mormon. That's not what this film is about.

Arthur Kane was part of a band, the New York Dolls, that was ahead of its time and, though never receiving too much glory, apparently inspired many other bands re: sound, image, energy, look, etc.

Kane was part of this band, but was even more part of the world of alcohol-induced avoidance of reality and responsibility, as were his fellow bandmembers, and the band broke up, seemingly in its prime.

Years later, somehow, Kane requested a Book of Mormon and found out that the Mormons don't just send you a book in the mail - they send missionaries to bring it, too. Kane explains that he received a revelation from God in answer to praying about the Book of Mormon - and compared that experience with getting high without the drugs. But by that time in his life he had lost most everything of value in his life - his fame, his wife, his wealth - and so it was lucky, in a sense, that he found the Church to give some meaning to his life.

Sprinkled throughout the film are members of other bands, Mormon church leaders, Mormon co-workers (Kane volunteered at a genealogy library), and others who, all, give beautiful kind remarks about the man Arthur Kane.

The film shows some healing that went on in Kane's life, in conjunction with reuniting with the rest of his band at the invitation of Morrissey. It was truly inspiring to see that Kane was able to mend fences with some estranged friends.

Was the movie inspiring? Somewhat. Was it interesting? Absolutely. Was it sad? That's what gets me - it is a sad movie, overall, as it weaves the tale of a spent fellow human who found faith later in his life but never returned more than a fleeting sense of the glory days of his youth, which he explains were the best times of his life. It is a good story, lovingly done, but I am left with a sense of loss for wishing that Kane could have recovered more thoroughly.
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