one of the lost treasures
21 November 2005
THE SEARCHER is absolutely one of the true lost treasures of all time - hilarious stories , and Dietrich Bader is nothing short of a comic genius - it is amazing that this potential cult classic hasn't found its way onto DVD yet ,as i know my copies are hardly watchable , but i do , over and over - don't know how you would ever get to see this today , i as believe it was of FOX early in its lifetime , but if you get a chance do not miss it - if you have never seen it at all , i would describe it almost as SUPER DAVE MEETS THE GREATEST American HERO MEETS POLICE SQUAD in spoofs of such classics as SILENCE OF THE LAMBS AND GORILLA'S IN THE MIST - ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT ! and if you know how to get this , SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD !
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