The Mexican Dream comment
21 November 2005
Even though I didn't really understand the point that the film was trying to make, I still recognize that the film is moving and shows great promise and talent. Also, a caveat: just because I was not able to grasp the concept/theme of the movie, that in no way detracts from the clarity of the movie itself, since I think it may just be "me" that prevents me from truly understanding the film. The animation was fun and the cinematography was beautiful, and I enjoyed "The Mexican Dream" despite its not being my usual movie fare. At various points throughout my viewing of it I thought someone was going to be shot or something dangerous and violent was going to occur, but the film surprised me in being moving without having to resort to themes of violence or sex. I was touched by the adoring family that Ajileo left behind, and also felt pity for him, since he felt he had to basically lie to his family about how he was actually doing in America. Additionally, "The Mexican Dream" draws up intriguing contrasts and comparisons to the famed American dream, and poses questions about what it means to be Mexican and hopeful in the United States.
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