Gee, what was that song again?
15 November 2005
Fairly tame Gene Autry vehicle (as if there were any hard-hitting, serious-minded ones) that deals with Autry and his pals getting jobs with the Texas Rangers, In this we realize a number of things.. we see that the rangers are trigger-happy when it comes to arresting Autry (and rehiring people on the spot), it shows how to to do the old flattened metal dish to block doorways from being locked, how people are around handily to turn tables over when there's a fight, and how the Indians, while using their "Man go that way" type of talk, also use sign language to get their point across. This is a rather curious movie, that teaches us that the Texas Rangers are not to be trusted, has an EXTREMELY lame love interest, and how they are able to get a song in our head by repeating it 3 times. Yikes!
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