Des jours et des nuits (2005 TV Movie)
The obsession of a man for the woman of his dreams.
14 November 2005
I have really loved the film 'Des jours et des nuits' which I saw recently on TV5 Europe. It is beautifully acted by Stephane Freiss and Caterina Murino. Richard Deligny (Stephane Freiss) is a successful businessman and everything seems alright in his life - he is happily married, has a loving wife, a beautiful house, a grown-up son who is settled - but he starts seeing this woman in his dreams and progressively becomes obsessed by her. He is convinced that she is not only a dream but really exists and he wants to find her. This will lead him all the way to Greece. This film is a mixture of reality and fantasy and goes back in time to the Greece of 3000 years ago. The topics of love, death and reincarnation are treated here. The film starts with what seems to be the normal life of a man but gradually includes the world of dreams and visions which become intertwined with reality - what we see might not be what others see. Unfortunately for the general public, this was a film made for television and I think therefore that it does not exist on DVD or video.

This film has made me discover the actor Stephane Freiss. I am French myself but did not know this actor before. I have since found out that he had made quite a few films, especially films for television but he is certainly now a name to remember in French cinema. He made two films for cinema last year - 'Le Grand Role' and '5x2 (Cinq fois deux)'. He also acted in the French/American film 'Crime Spree' (called 'Wanted'in France) which is more easily available in video shops in the UK.
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