Revenge of the ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
10 November 2005
In the top 250 and bulging with glowing reviews I can only guess that people are rating it in terms of episode I and II as opposed to any real objective view of a film.

It's not a bad cartoon... sorry I mean film. But it's not all that great either. There are just no characters in the three new films, and no CGI doesn't count. Except maybe for Yoda I couldn't have cared less if the lot of them fell head first into the volcanoes on Mustafar.

Granted there is more of a storyline to latch on to in this one but on the whole it just doesn't add up to anything much. It's an enjoyable flick but nothing special. Placed beside Serenity it is downright ridiculous.

Lucas is surrounded by sycophants who bow to his every will. He's a talented man but he needs someone to tell him when enough is enough. That's why the first two are such great films - they are still escapist fluff, but they are great fun and have people you can really relate to. Once he gained full control himself, the Ewoks appeared.

Less is more!
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