Review of Asunder

Asunder (1999)
9 November 2005
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen! I think it played down to the audience. When, at the beginning, Michael Beach's character makes the comment that Chance is crazy, it just went straight down hill from there. I love Blair Underwood----no question, but I think someone must have had something on him to get him to play this part. The ONLY saving grace in this movie was Debbie Morgan. We need to see more of her. She rises above the material, and she is one of my favorite actors, but even with a life preserver and the National Guard she couldn't rescue this fiasco. I rented this movie and I wanted my money back. I know lots of people put lots of effort into it, but they'd have done better studying the masters before trying to, off the top of their heads, do a Psychological Thriller. Stanley Donen, Peter Godfrey, Stanley Kubrik, Phillip Noyce, Renny Harlin, and of course Alfred Hitchcock would have been great places for the director to start his study. I looked at this movie twice to make sure I had the right impression. That's time I'll never get back.
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