Some Actions speak for themselves!
3 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is proof positive that actions can be beautiful when they are coordinated just right. Set against a backdrop of intrigue, this film is your typical 70's type spy film, complete with secret agents wielding knives ready to permanently silence their enemies with a quick thrust. The only thing that stops them: our gorgeous hero, a government agent and master judoka who manages to toss, chop and choke his adversaries into submission.

The eroticism in this film is pretty significant whether you are straight or gay, man or woman. If the images of two bucks in the opening sequence struggling to hold, choke, armlock and throw one another doesn't get your heart pounding, then the very amusing display of judo used to dispatch a few of the baddies may make you question exactly why you didn't don a judogi yourself.

Fun, fiery, and very impressive!
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