What's Happening!! (1976–1979)
A Good Ol' Seventies Sitcom!!
6 November 2005
What a great show! What's Happening is so funny! There isn't one character I don't like. Rerun is one crazy kid. He sure can dance though. He is one of those characters you'll always hear about because they were so funny, like Kramer from Seinfeld. Mama is funny too. I love her. She is you typical crazy tough seventies mother, loving to teach her kids a lesson with a belt to the butt. Sherley was an underrated character. She had an unusual attitude that was hilarious. Raj was always in some situation. He has to have one of the funniest dance moves out there. He reminds me a lot of comedian Vince Morris. They look a lot alike and act a lot alike. Dee is one pain in the butt sister. Hate to have her around. Finally there's Dwayne. He had one crazy afro especially in the earlier years. Its a surprise that this show didn't last very long. It was just as funny as The Jeffersons or Welcome Back Kotter. I'm glad TV Land shows the re-runs of this show show we can all watch Rerun again. Ha!
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