GhostWatcher (2002)
There is low budget and then there is utter crap!!
3 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am blown away that this film has a following, that someone, anyone could actually think this was watchable. Finally at 45 minutes into the film I am doing something I never, ever do no matter how bad the film. I am turning it off, walking away, and returning it to my video rental store. I am all for low budget, I am all for campy horrors, and I love the horror genre, this doesn't match ANYTHING!! It's not low budget, it's beyond amateur, we're talking a C minus in a high school film class. This was done like a joke or something and the fact that it got released on DVD is mind blowing and for the IMDb reviewer that said this was better than the remake of The Fog and should have been released in theaters needs their head examined!! Writer director David Cross who is a first timer when it comes to credentials, isn't necessarily to blame. The concept and plot is okay, even the filming (although done low budget) has it's pluses which saves this from me giving it a big fat ZERO!! I would even go so far as to say that the film has it's creepy moments even with cheap special effects. It's the cast that just completely destroys this film. These people are not actors, case closed, they may think they are but they are people that CANNOT ACT!! Jennifer Servary who plays the lead character Elizabeth Dean. She's a young girl who had a traumatizing event in her past that caused her to have a severe case of Agoraphobia which keeps her locked inside her apartment for the past year. Suddenly she begins to have strange events in her apartment that lead her to believe she is being haunted. After searching around the internet she comes to a site which for some god knows reason is obviously a fetish sex site but yet she decided to hire the creator of the web site to try to exorcise her ghosts or some fool thing. Jillian Byrnes who plays the Ghost hunter Laura Kove has the most redeemable acting qualities in the film but that's saying little to nothing. These people simply have no business trying to make a film. They are amateurs in the worst sense of the word. They simply have no talent. The film, despite it's literal 3 seconds of redeemable creepiness is a worthless, unredeemable pile of crap!! The fact that a sequel exists scares me more than the film. At this point I can't imagine ever finishing the first film let alone attempting a sequel.

Everyone has a different opinion and that's what makes reviews and discussions about films so great. There are a lot of good reviews for this film but for me it was horrible trash and that's okay. To each their own. It's a little surprising to me, and then to have people say that this was watchable or even great and to talk down to previous entries in the horror genre is a little perplexing. Films like Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween, Friday the 13th, even The Fog...sure they'll never win any acting or film making awards but they stand the test of time and have followings of hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions. Ghost Watcher will never stand the test of any time. Skip this one COMPLETELY and see something much, much better like the stupendous SAW series. 1/10
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