Sci Fi Inside: 'Serenity' (2005 TV Movie)
Emotionally riveting characters, plot, and performances by all characters.
2 November 2005
Joss Wedon has picked a stellar crew for the film and worked his magic. I haven't kept coming back to see a movie since the first Star Wars. It's emotionally addictive, but not in the plain old feel good movie way. It's the characters, the interaction of personalities as each has their dark and shining hero moment, the love unspoken, or unrequited, the choices minute by minute that show who you are really inside. When push comes to shove is the cynical bent Captain Malcolm Reynolds really a heartless calculating crook. If having lost all faith in man or woman and the government destroys all you hold dear out side of the crew and deprives you of all means of making a living inside and outside of the law what would you do. Nathan Fillian shines bright! I know what Mal Reynolds does and so do you if you've seen Serenity. If not, why? Why not find Serenity? While you can.
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