Review of LBJ

LBJ (1968)
Powerful Montage
1 November 2005
This short film pieces together, a powerful montage of arguments pro-communism against the capitalistic society. The film is quite progressive for its time, touching issues of race, and anti-American values (1968). The soundtrack is amazing and really helps bring out the single themes of each segment. It draws ideas from impressionist films, such as "Ballet Mecanique". Images of Lindon B. Johnson as "the brave cowboy" are played against cowboys killing Native Americans. The images were taken from Life Magazine, and filmed at different angles to produce movement. There were some short clips taken from earlier movies, and sound clips taken from political speeches. Powerful shots of Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy to show where Capitolism and greed have failed America. Actually, this film was not written for American viewing, rather for communist Cuba under the dictation of Fidel Castro. Amazing movement, and a powerful message complete through montage. Salvador Alvarez is amazing at his attempt to promote Commuism. I highly recommend this short film.
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