Surprisingly good
31 October 2005
I don't, as a rule, like thrillers. I am a big fan of Bruce McDonald, however, so full disclosure on that one.

Picture Claire is a fine film and I had fun watching it. I liked the montage effects and enjoyed the fact that the director let the images tell the story as much as anything else. Juliette Lewis is not quite believable as a Québécoise, although the dialogue and her look ring true. It's just the accent that was not quite there. The villain, Laramie, is kind of overdone as well.

I also enjoyed the fact that this film was unmistakably and unapologetically set in Toronto. I love seeing that city as itself in films rather than doubling as some other place I had low expectations based on reading other people's reviews and on the lack of (good) press this film got. Those expectations were exceeded. In many ways, this is the most accessible of all McDonald's films, and it's a very good story that is well told, especially on the visual side. Really good.
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