18 October 2005
I would give it a 10 for this 2 hour show. I liked the action they put in there and it showed lots of martial arts fights and those Korean guys had some speed in their arts. The sad part was that Alex got shot and we as audience don't know for sure if she died or just down unconsciously. At one time Alex got shot during a wedding and Walker wanted to ask her something (marry him) but never occurred until she stayed in the hospital a few days. Remember that show? I can't remember the name of the show right now but she did recover from that wound. Now Walker walked out of the building as soon as Alex got shot. The guy that shot her and he was in several episodes and I SERIOUSLY thought he got killed in the last season episode...didn't he? or was he acting a different character this time? Also I thought before Alex got shot, she expressed confusion because that guy that shot her came back to life or something. But then the wound appeared on TV, it was blood and then I just couldn't believe it. Walker couldn't have heard the shot from outside the building and that is why he didn't come back in quickly. I do hope that he'll come back to film a few more of Walker shows. I read the article that he said he wouldn't mind making 1 or 2 shows per year but it all depends on how much his wife and kids need him. Family is more important than anything right now especially the kids are so young and they depend on parents...Even though we as audience really would love to see Walker for another 8 years! ha...I would. He'll be in his 70's if he continued for another 8 years.....Also the good thing was that he had a new office and it looked so modern and spread out. Nice pad for CAPTAIN. Also big Windows that has great view of Downtown Dallas instead of Downtown Ft. Worth. It was time for a change and also nice Dodge Ram Hemi and other cars. It was nice change and its time to hope and pray that he'll either do another series or just another show soon.
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