Review of Dark Water

Dark Water (2005)
Predictable yet interesting
18 October 2005
The Japanese make great movies - The Ring, The Grudge, Battle Royale (which I haven't seen re-made yet). Hollywood takes the movies and remakes them because, gosh darn it, those subtitles are just so annoying. Dark Water is another remake. It was a bit slow starting but I will forgive it. Right from the start you know what is causing the "dark water" but it doesn't stop it being an interesting film. Of course there is the mandatory small child who contributes to the scary moments. The movie is set in a foul, gigantic apartment block, the kind you just know would reek of wees in all the stairways and lifts. Like I said it was rather slow, and why her lawyer appears so creepy and then isn't I don't know. I sat there waiting for him to do something foul. There was a bit of a Sound of Music moment - where you think the movie is over and then it keeps on going - which was good because if it had ended where I thought it would it would have been crappy.
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