One Crooner Toon with an all bird cast.
17 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In this film, the lead male bird is an iceman and first stop is at an female bird's home. While she isn't good looking, she still wants him as an husband. Anyway, after an brief chase, he stops at his girlfriend's home and sees her next to the radio listening to Bing Crosby. Katie tells him that she only has eyes for an radio crooner. Felling hurt, he sees the answer to his problem: Professor Mockingbird an imitator. After the professor present his act, the "hero" hires him to sing for Katie. Although she only sees him, we know that it was just Professor Mockingbird in the back of the truck singing. At first it went well, till the professor caught an cold and it all backfire. Later, Katie trades the radio for the professor and an refrigerator. As for the hero, he ends up back to the other bird who asked for ice in the first place. Believe it or not, they got married or at least, we assume they did. Anyway, it wasn't bad but Tex Avery did better later on still though I recommend it for the crooner toon fans but overall, it was good.

Final score: an 8 out of 10.
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