Shoot Out (1971)
"I just wanted to see if there's any of my blood still on the sidewalk."
17 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Shootout" begins with an unbelievable scene; when Clay Lomax (Gregory Peck) is released from prison, he's allowed to strap on a loaded gun directly in front of the prison warden. Seems like a more vindictive ex-con could have done some damage.

Shortly after, with his mind set on revenge against the partner that double crossed him in a hold up seven years earlier, Lomax inherits young Decky (Dawn Lyn) from a former flame who died en route delivering him a message. There's not much doubt as to the identity of Decky's father, with subtle but numerous references along the way to establish the relationship, not the least of which is the young girl's age as about to be seven. Decky's a precocious and street smart (trail smart?) young lady, and there's a humorous scene where she initiates a sweet con for a saddle pony that Lomax picks up in stride.

The drama is provided by the three lunatic ranch hands of Lomax' quarry, Sam Foley (James Gregory). Their job is simply to follow Lomax and report back to Foley on his progress, and they manage to screw that up pretty badly. The nominal leader of this trio of misfits is Bobby Jay, played way over the top by Robert F. Lyons in a manner that you really want to see him get his, the sooner the better. When Bobby initiates a game of William Tell with Lomax and a prairie family as hostage, it sets up the return favor of Lomax dealing with him in exactly the same way when the tables turn at the Foley ranch.

"Shootout" is somewhat less than a satisfying Western given it's principal star. Gregory Peck's performance appears tired at times, though there are some good moments with his young charge. The confrontation set up by the story line never occurs, as wacko Bobby takes Foley out in a moment of greed. The showdown between Lomax and Bobby is cleverly done, though the conclusion is never in doubt. But can anyone explain why the housekeeper, given the circumstances, didn't just faint dead away?
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