Rear Window (1998 TV Movie)
A thrill-mobile going five miles per hour, with the occasional wheelchair jam
17 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say this movie was extremely disappointing because I didn't have any high expectations in the first place, the main reason being that this movie was trying to remake a classic movie that should never have been remade. But that aside you still wouldn't have that good a movie. For one thing the romance isn't believable for a second, and the romance doesn't have that big apart in the first place, so there's not even a chance to develop the romance to make it believable. Another thing is that little facts are given to convince you that the murder really happened, and yet the whole movie you are forced to believe that the murder happened, and the characters never even remotely doubt it, which is another reason the original is better, because in the original the whole movie you don't know if it happened or not, facts are thrown in saying that the murder happened and then others facts are thrown in saying it didn't happen, and that kept suspense building, you wondered if it did happen. Also, in this version the murder is the whole plot, while as in the original other dramas are going on and they would take a break to watch them. This movie also has nonstop cheesy lines and clichés, and movie is neither suspenseful, nor dramatic. As much as I hated this movie I will say that it did have some good acting from Christopher Reeve and Darel Hannah. other then that, I would watch the original instead.
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