my opinion
13 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a movie, its a documentary. Although not as professionally put together as fahrenheit 911, the message is better. The bad thing is that Alex is ranting about so many things that things get fuzzy. Main message is that the people are uninformed about governments (mainly their own) conspiring and pulling off crisis to rally the people behind a set up war. Alex shows some classic examples in human history (nero, Hitler's reichstag fire). Surprisingly, he doesn't say anything about the tonkin event in Vietnam which i learned at school was manufactured by the us military to 'legitimize' invading Vietnam.

I think this message about real of staged events is quite interesting because the mass media only presents them as always real and never discusses the possibility of other powers behind them. 911 was no doubt a conspiracy (otherwise the twin towers would be still there), the question is if Osama is the only one behind it or are there other parties involved. I personally find the system of staging events to elicit real reactions from the public an interesting phenomena.

So go watch it, but don't let Alex bluff you away from this main point with irrelevant details.
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