Review of Red Eye

Red Eye (2005)
An edge-of-your-seat fun thriller
13 October 2005
Surprise, surprise! Without a lot of news, suddenly Wes Craven attends to return in 2005 by 'Red Eye', after the less succeeds, 'Cursed' (2005).

Red Eye is a term to a late transportation journey, and this late night air transport is which must be conducted by Lisa Reisert (Rachel McAdams). Lisa is very afraid of flown with the plane, but the natural terror she's going to deal with is nothing to do with turbulence, but her seat mate, Jackson Ripner (Cillian Murphy). In the beginning, Jack come up as a charming man, but brief moment after the plane take of, the real agenda from Jack revealed, and now Lisa is a captive in the height of 30.000 feet while her father's life (Brian Cox) at risk. What is really motive of Jackson Ripner? The film started by showing how efficient is Lisa as a hotel manager; her relation with her father. Later her rendezvous with Jackson presented sweetly ala romantic comedy. But, the atmosphere of the film then turn into more psychological thriller by the moment of Lisa becomes the hostage of Jackson. In the airplane, which is not so big, Lisa play the game of cat-and-mouse along with Jackson? Its thrill attends with the high intensity, and making audiences sit to grasp. Hereinafter, when the airplane landed, the amount of tension switch into the a-guy-with-a-big-knife-chasing-you-thriller ala Wes Craven. In this point, the film changes again become a well-packed action-thriller.

The master returns to instruct a film thriller, but this time he is like to challenging his self to make the thriller in different type. 'Red Eye' is a cat-and-mouse-thriller with the strong psychological element. The scenes tend to more emphasized at situations with the claustrophobic sets and not on eeriness by bloods. Kudos to Mr. Craven, because succeeding to develop an interesting film. Wes Craven aptly known the fact of the thriller's genre he selected. Even when he change the style, like more psychological 'Red Eye', compared to more bloodier 'Scream' or ' Nightmare on Elm Street', he remain to able to gratify its audience. 'Cursed' possible a failure, but Wes Craven do not prolonging let the failure in its resume.

Rachel Mcadams and Cillian Murphy show the capacities which almost perfect and indication if them are starlets future. Rachel Mcadams progressively shine after 'The Notebook' and 'Mean Girl', meanwhile this is a second antagonist role from Cillian Murphy after 'Batman Begins', following becoming an impressive protagonist in '28 Days Later'. The chemical between both of them is so thick, that sometime we hope they play at in just romantic film. But, they are good so that we yield upon their dynamic game of act.

One thing that bothering me is the scenes in the airplane take place untimely, so that conflict that happened seen less is circumstantial. But, out side of that of 'Red Eye' is a made better, solid, gripping and definitively very amusing thriller without making audience feel like the fool, and that is vital!
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